The current cost of Renewable Energy Certificates is $1.50 per 100 kWh block.

A Renewable Energy Certificate (or credit), also known as a REC, is a market-based instrument that represents the property rights to the environmental, social, and other non-power attributes of renewable electricity generation. RECs play an important role in accounting, tracking, and assigning ownership to renewable electricity generation and use. On a shared grid, whether from on-site or off-site resources, RECs are the instrument that electricity consumers must use to substantiate renewable electricity use claims. (source: ) 


Some sources include solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, biodiesel, some fuel cells and low impact hydropower.


By purchasing RECs members can say they support "renewable energy." Renewable energy sources can be used to produce electricity with fewer environmental impacts. They also have the benefit of being abundant and available in some capacity nearly everywhere. Purchasing RECs provides certification from the marketplace that the blocks of power for which you paid extra come from a renewable energy source.


There is a minimum purchase of one block and no maximum.


You may contact Choptank Electric’s Member Service Center at 1-877-892-0001 and request to purchase RECs, visit one of our district offices, or use the link below to sign up.

The purchase of RECs requires a one-year commitment. If you change your mind before the end of the contract year, you will still be obligated to pay for the contracted REC purchase and will be billed accordingly each month. If you move off the cooperative system, are disconnected for non-payment, or are otherwise no longer a member, you will still be obligated for the contracted REC purchase and the amount will be reflected on your final bill.


Your contract will be automatically renewed each year.  If you wish to discontinue purchasing RECs after 1 year, you can contact Choptank Electric by using the Contact form on our Contact Us page or by calling our Member Service Center, Monday - Friday between 8:00am - 4:30pm, at 1.877.892.0001.


No. The cost of the RECs you purchase is in addition to the amount billed based on your energy consumption for the billing period. The purchased RECs will show on your electric bill as a separate line item charge. Your electric bill will increase based on the amount of RECs you purchase.


You will receive a commitment letter indicating the amount of RECs you have requested. There will be a separate line item on the bill each month reflecting the additional cost of RECs you have purchased.